


慈科行管 - 各行各業都需要

TCUST Department of Marketing and Distribution Management-Needed by every industry 

技 大 學    銷 與 流 通 理 系

Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology Department of Marketing and Distribution Management


Talents in marketing and distribution are very needed by every industry

1111人力銀行 20 項工作分類中,有 7 類與本系出路呈高度相關

Among 20 jobs classification in the 1111 Job Bank, there are 7 jobs highly related to the department

行銷流通管理 相關的實際徵才資訊參考 (pdf 請點選)

Marketing and Distribution Management related recruitment information reference(please click the pdf)

就業 Employment

  1. 行銷/企劃 Marketing/Planning

產品銷售 Product sales

廣告文案企劃人員Advertising Quote Planner

廣告采購人員Advertising Buyer

活動企劃Project Planner

Advertising/Marketing Manager

Gaming Planner

Marketing Assistant

Event Planner

Product Manager

Product Planner

in-store sales

Market Surveyor/Analysis

Marketing Planner

Website Planner

Supermarket Manager


  1. Business trade/ Customer Service Store

International Business

Business Promotion

Customer Service

Business Trade staff

Real Estate Broker/Salesman

Customer Service

Bonded personnel

Advertising AE


Custom Broker

Pathway Developer

Supermarket Manager

  1. Film and television media/Publishing Translation

News Media

Behind the Scenes

Media Planner

Video Creator


Distribution publisher

text reporter

Editorial/text staff

  1. Fashion Designer/Decoration Design

Graphic Design

Advertisement Design

Decoration design

Website design

commercial design

venue/even designer

2D design

graphic designer

創業 Entrepreneurship

  1. Entrepreneur Management

    1. Coffee shop management

    2. B&B Operation and Management

    3. Innovative Enterprise

    4. Micro-enterprise

    5. Family Enterprise Expand

  2. Purchasing logistics/quality inspection

Purchasing Material


Quality Control

Procurement Staff

Warehousing and shipping crew

Occupational Safety and Health Manager

Material Staff

Transportation Dispatch Manager

Food Hygiene Manager

Storage/Material Manager

Ground Staff

Quality Control Manager

  1. Financial Insurance/Financial Review

Financial Insurance

Financial Accounting


Real Estate Audit/Appraiser

Financial analyst


Authorization/ Credit Personnel

financial officer




Ledger Audit

  1. Management Staff/Personnel Administration

Management Staff

Human Resources

Administrative logistics

ERP Project Manager

Personnel/Human Resources Management Specialist

Administration staff

Grassroots  Management Specialist

Education Training Personnel

General Staff

Reverse Specialist