


(一) 85學年度創立2年制日間部放射技術科。
(1) In the 1996, the Day School Two-Year Technical Department of Radiological Technology was established.
(二) 87學年度經教育部專科學校評鑑為1等。 (2) In the 1998, it was evaluated as a first-class by the Ministry of Education's junior college.
(三)88學年度改制為慈濟技術學院,設置大學部2年制日間部放射技術系,並停招專科部2年制日間部放射技術科。 (3) In the 1999, Tzu Chi Institute of Technology was restructured, and the Day School Two-Year Department of Radiology was established, and the Day School Two-Year Department of the Specialist Department was discontinued.
(四) 89學年度增設4年制日間部放射技術系。 (4) In the 2000, the Day School Four-Year Department of Radiology Technology was established.
(五) 90學年度2年制日間部放射技術系停招。 (5) In 2001, the Day School Two-Year Department of Radiology Technology Department stopped recruiting.
(六) 94學年度4年制日間部放射技術系增加招生1班,核定招生人數90名。 (6) In the 2005, the Day School Four-year Department of Radiological Technology added 1 class of enrollment, and the number of approved enrollment was 90 studets.
(七) 95學年度學年度經教育部學校評鑑專業類科1等。 (7) In the 2006, the first-class professional subject was evaluated by the Ministry of Education in the academic year.
(八) 97學年度4年制日間部放射技術系減少招生1班,核定招生人數48名。 (8) In the 2008, the Day School Four-year Department of Radiological Technology reduced enrollment by 1 class, and the number of approved enrollment was 48 students.
(九) 97學年增設放射醫學科學研究所,招收碩士班新生6名。 (9) In the 2008, the Institute of Radiological Medicine Science was added, and 6 new students of the master's class were recruited.
(十) 99學年度經教育部學校評鑑專業類放射技術系1等、放射醫學科學研究所1等。 (10) In the 2010, the Department of Radiological Technology, the Department of Radiology, and the Institute of Radiological Sciences were awarded the first prize by the Ministry of Education.
(十一) 101學年度4年制日間部放射技術系改名為醫學影像暨放射科學系。 (11) In the 2012, the Day School Four-year of Department of Radiological Technology was renamed the Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences.
(十二) 101學年度放射醫學科學研究所,碩士班招生名額增加至8名。 (12) In the 2012, The master's degree enrollment quota for Radiological Sciences major has increased to 8 students.
(十三)111學年度「醫學影像暨放射科學系」與「放射醫學科學研究所」整併為「醫學影像暨放射科學系」(含「碩士班」)。 (13) In the 2022, the "Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences" and the "Institute of Radiological Sciences" were merged into the "Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences" (including the "master class").